Download my FREE eBook and get inspired: 30+ Photos to Draw, Paint or Sketch.
Are you a painter looking for photos to draw or sketch? Or do you want to practice your painting and need some inspiration?
Then you might like my little ebook, Photos for you to draw, sketch or paint. Inside you will find over 30 of my fave photos, free for you to to use as you wish.

What’s inside “Free Photos for you to Draw?”
I’ve chosen over 30 of my fave photos for painting. And I’ve even included some drawing tips, too.
And just so you know, 30 is the perfect number for a 30 day challenge. Less time searching for things to paint and more time painting!
Now, I’m not saying these are great photos — some are taken out of a car window! But they all have something worth looking at a little more closely. And that’s what us visual artists do — we look.
Some photos are all about the colour. That’s because fauvism is my fave art style. Fauve means wild beast in French, and that’s what the ‘establishment’ said of these artists’ work when they saw their unnatural colours.
Some are about rhythm. Vincent Van Gogh is a master of rhythm. Look at the way his brushstrokes dance on the canvas everyone is perfectly placed.
Some are about line. Cityscapes use a lot of art. A line draws focus so learning to handle lines is important.
Some are about energy. I love high energy. That’s why I moved to the furthest spot east in North America to live by the ocean and get a taste of the first light. Life is energy.
And then there’s mood. There is something jovial about sunlight. And comforting about fog.
Or it could be the subject! I’ve included lots of water images because I LOVE looking out onto water.
I’ve also included:
- plenty of forests, trees, lakes and fields from Ontario.
- gorgeous seascapes from Newfoundland and the east coast.
- the occasional cityscape
- Alberta mountains
Isn’t Canada beautiful?

Released under a creative commons license
The photos in this collection can be used absolutely free. I’m releasing them under a Creative Commons Attribution license (there’s more info on that inside the book). The most important thing is that you can use them anyway you like. (But if you put them up on the web, I’d love a link back to this site.)
This is important. Did you know that painting someone else’s photo could get you into legal trouble? It’s true. It is a copyright violation. So it’s very important to make sure you have permission from the photographer before you paint. And that’s exactly what I am doing here, giving you permission.
To be more clear, it’s probably ok to paint someone’s photo if you are just practicing. But if you want to sell it or put it on the web, this is where it can become an issue.
Spend more time painting, and less time searching.
The visual arts are all about us developing our abilities to see. The more you draw and paint, the faster you will progress.”
Irene Duma

Ready to start oil painting. Thanks for your time.