Learn to OIL PAINT in the fastest and FUNnest way possible !
— with mini steps and mini paintings!! You’ll learn to paint in the Alla Prima process. That’s the way the Impressionists and Van Gogh painted!
I make oil painting easy
I’m a professional “late-blooming” painter with a Fine Art History degree and I designed this course especially for beginners! You’ll learn how to create beautiful oil paintings you will be proud of — fast! I teach the Alla Prima method — that’s the way the Impressionists, Post-Impressionists and VAN GOGH painted! Swoon!
Just 4 things to buy
I’ve designed this course to be super economical. You’ll save time and money when you paint mini paintings.
10 steps to follow
My Duma Do 10-Step process breaks oil painting down into 10 easy-to-follow steps. Learn real fine art painting taught in a really fun way.
3 hours to learn
… the basics of Alla Prima AND finish your first real oil painting! After that, you need just 30-90 minutes to finish a mini painting!
Mini paintings take just 30-90 minutes!!
Now you DO have time to paint!
You’ll learn FASTER because mastery comes from QUANTITY. (PLUS they are so cute.)

The art course the world has been waiting for?
“I’ve seen a lot of courses, both online and off, and I’d rate this one right up with the best (for so many reasons). Your ebook is stunning. It is well designed, easy to read, funny, and informative. Your photos are well chosen and I love the comments you added. It makes the photos so much more interesting than the usual package of photos one gets with courses. This may be the art course the world has been waiting for. Kudos to you.”
JOHN ORBAN, student
A rock solid foundation in oil painting
This is a comprehensive oil painting course: you’ll be introduced to the elements of real Fine Art paintingtaught in a fun and friendly way. Once you know these principles, you will be able to paint anything.

An easy-to-follow process that takes you from beginner to MASTER!

Choose from
The ESSENTIAL course
Featuring my signature itty bitty Intro to Oil Painting course. Everything you need to learn to paint in the Alla Prima technique.
Regular price: $299
Or upgrade to the

Or Upgrade to the ULTIMATE Experience and get more support from me
Everything in the Essential Course PLUS lifetime membership in a private Facebook Group where I hang out to answer all your questions. Plus 2 EXTRA courses designed to take you from beginner to pro!
Regular price: $399 (total value $957)
Ultimate bonus 1

Drawing for Painters mini course
Learn 5 classic drawing exercises that will teach you to SEE and THINK like a painter does. This mini course takes just minutes a day and is designed to get you into the habit of art-making. Your drawings will be beautiful, confident, bold and loose just like those of the masters!
Regular price $79.
Lifetime access INCLUDED!
Ultimate bonus 2

Find your style course
Like a 2-year college program but way less expensive and way more fun! Mini-lessons to keep you learning and discovering in a stress-free way. Plus lots of examples from art history to keep you INSPIRED!
Regular price $279.
Lifetime access INCLUDED
Ultimate bonus 3

Private group & access to Irene
This VIP private group is only available with the Ultimate Experience. Hang out with other like-minded fun, friendly and supportive oil painters in the Atelier, our private community. You’ll also get direct access to Irene to have your painting questions answered.
Value $300/year.
Lifetime access included.
Enroll TODAY
and get immediate access
My Signature itty bitty
Intro to Oil Painting ESSENTIAL Online Course
One-time payment USD
- My signature Intro to Oil Painting Course ($299)
- Lifetime Access including all upgrades and future lessons
- 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
- The 5 Day Art Challenge Drawing Course ($79)
- The Find Your Style mini course ($279)
- The Atelier private Facebook Group (Value $300/yr, no ongoing membership fees.)
- Direct access to Irene with email/messenger
- 104 Weekly mini-lessons to keep you on track and learning with ease
The itty bitty
Intro to Oil Painting ULTIMATE Experience Bundle
One-time payment USD
- My signature Intro to Oil Painting Course ($299)
- Lifetime Access including all upgrades and future lessons
- 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
- The 5 Day Art Challenge Drawing Course ($79)
- The Find Your Style mini course ($279)
- The Atelier private Facebook Group (Value $300/yr, no ongoing membership fees.)
- Direct access to Irene with email/messenger
- 104 Weekly mini-lessons to keep you on track and learning with ease
The itty bitty
3 monthly payments USD
- My signature Intro to Oil Painting Course ($299)
- Lifetime Access including all upgrades and future lessons
- 30-Day Money Back Guarantee
- The 5 Day Art Challenge Drawing Course ($79)
- The Find Your Style mini course ($279)
- The Atelier private Facebook Group (Value $300/yr, no ongoing membership fees.)
- Direct access to Irene with email/messenger
- 104 Weekly mini-lessons to keep you on track and learning with ease
No risk because
You ALSO get …

Lifetime access and all updates to the courses
This course is yours for life. You can start right away and go at your own pace. Plus, if I ever add or update a module, you will get instant access. I have a bit of a perfectionist streak in me, and I am all about making this oil painting course the best it can be.
30-day money back guarantee
If the course isn’t right for you, I will happily refund 100% of your purchase, no questions asked (though I’d love to know, because I always want to make my courses better). If things don’t work out, simply email us at support@irenedumateachesart.com.

Make paintings you LOVE right away!
Here’s what students are saying!

Irene, you got me hooked! My first ever oil painting. It’s 12″ x 12″. I used an old watercolour background I had and it’s done in a limited palette of colours like you suggest!
Ann Thibeaudeau
Watercolour painter

“What’s great about doing minis on paper? No pressure to be perfect!“
This is the culmination of taking part in the latest #5dayartchallenge from Irene Duma. I love how doing simple exercises in a short amount of time each day has helped me to see more effectively.

“Forever inspired thanks to Irene’s oil painting course”
Oil painting is so much fun! The class that keeps on giving! It’s got everything you need.
Diana Galligan
Actor/director, and now painter!
Wow, Irene Duma’s Itty Bitty Mini Intro to Oil Painting Course packs a large and wondrous punch. I went in knowing next to nothing and only three hours later I had a 4″ x 4″ painting completed. From how to create your palette to choosing the right brushes to composition and sketching to determining darks, lights and middles, to colour mixing, mediums etc., I learned so much in such a short time. .

Kelly Davis
My improvement is impressive. And what a confidence builder!

I DID IT! My first mini landscape. Oh, Irene, you are a genius!

Teri Bender Ehr
I never thought I would be able to draw with confidence. Thank you, Irene. I am now having a sign made up to go above my art space that says “go big or go home.”

Huia TeHau-wills
Thank you so much, Irene. Your enthusiasm is contagious.

Wendie Beril-Jone
I am so grateful you came into my life. No one has ever explained the ABCs of painting to me in such an easy-to-understand — and exciting — way. You are really an excellent teacher. I now see the world — and my future paintings — in a completely different way. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

Liliana Voloshyn
Loved this session. I will never look at a picture the same way again… I will look for values. Thank you. I have learned heaps.

Arnaud Majoor
What a joy! And you are a joy to learn from!

Such fun doing these minis!!

I’ve wanted to paint for such a long time but never knew where to start

How mini paintings helped this late-bloomer catch up!
Even though I always wanted to paint, it wasn’t until I was in my 50s that I finally gave myself permission. Like many others, I was discouraged from the arts, and told to not waste my time. Sadly, when you refrain from doing things you love, you end up with a life you don’t love. So when I got laid off from my job, I saw my chance. I jumped into painting but progress was slow…. UNTIL I started painting small for a 30-day daily challenge. That’s when I really started to improve. Two years later, my art was available in galleries, had won prizes and was featured in arts journals and magazines! WOW!
Now I’m on a mission to give other art lovers, late-bloomers, and stalled artists permission to experience the joy of painting.
If you have no idea where to start — or are a little bit intimidated by oil painting — I’m the teacher for you! I’m a professional artist with a Fine Art History Degree who hasworked in a commercial art gallery — I know the biz from every angle. So whether you want an enjoyable hobby to relieve stress, or you want to become a professional painter quickly, this course is for you. I keep things light and fun because learning through play is the best way to find your own style.

Ready to start your creative adventure? Let’s GO!
Frequently asked questions
Who is this course for?
Anyone who has ever wanted to try oil painting including.
- absolute beginners, late-bloomers, stifled or thwarted artists
- retired people who finally have time to follow their dreams
- busy people and moms who need some restorative me-time
- art-loving teens who want to get a head start learning real fine art training;
- artist who paint or create in other mediums who are interested in trying oils
- musicians, writers, filmmakers and actors who want an art practice they can do all by themselves without a team or big big budgets
- and all art lovers who’ve ever swooned at the thought of having an itty bitty arts practice all to themselves.
Remember, everyone can learn to paint! It’s a skill and skills are learnable. If you can see shapes, you can paint!
I can’t even draw a stick figure. Will I be able to paint?
Yes! Painting is a skill and skills are learnable. Also, though knowing how to draw helps, it’s not necessary because we are learning a new way to see when we paint. Stick figures and a lot of drawings are made with lines. But painters look for SHAPES. If you can see shapes, you can learn to paint!
Why is painting small the best way to learn to paint?
Painting a large painting can take many many hours but a small painting can be done in about an hour or two. This makes it easy to find the time to paint. It also means you will finish more paintings. The more paintings you finish, the faster you will learn: the principles of art are the same whether you paint big or small!
To paint large all you need to do is use a larger canvas, larger brushes, and a lot more paint!
Some more benefits of painting small:
- your mini paintings can be studies for larger paintings
- they’re a great way to start selling your art
- they also make excellent gifts your friends will love receiving.
Does this work for big paintings?
Absolutely! The principles of art are the same whether you paint big or small.
Here’s my #DumaDoArtTip: when you have created a small painting you love, you can use it as a study for a larger painting. This is what many masters have done, and still do. This way when you approach your canvas, you will feel confident!
Just use:
- bigger brushes
- a lot more paint, and
- your whole arm to paint instead of your wrist.
Also be sure to set aside more time. Bigger paintings take a lot longer to finish, which is why I recommend starting to paint small.
Is oil painting hard?
No! In fact many say oil painting is the easiest medium. It’s forgiving — that means you can fix your mistakes! You can cover them up or just scrape it off and start again. So, what’s the hardest medium? WATERCOLOUR! It’s transparent so you can’t fix your mistakes and that makes it very frustrating for beginners.
If you’ve tried painting but didn’t see the results you wanted, then most likely it’s because you were missing some key principles. What a beginner needs is a proven process and roadmap to follow that shows them what to do when. That’s what my course is all about: you get bite-sized lessons that excite and keep you motivated.
Why are online painting courses BETTER for beginners?
1: They are convenient: you get to learn in the comfort of your own home, at your own pace, with VIDEOS that you can revisit over and over. When you are in a live class situation with 14 students all huddled around the teacher’s easel, it’s hard to see. Then by the time you’ve walked back to your canvas you’ve forgotten what the instructor said and did. That’s what I found super frustrating.
2: They are very affordable: in-person painting classes are EXPENSIVE! Usually $40- $60 an hour. And art colleges in the United States average $15,000 a year? I teach the same Fine Art techniques but for a tiny fraction of that cost.
Here’s what I recommend for beginners:
- Buy my course and learn in the comfort of your home without shlepping wet oils around. You don’t need to spend the big bucks to learn how to set out colours on your palette, or how to clean your brushes. Videos are perfect for that.
- Learn my basic 10-step framework for creating a real fine art oil painting. Understand the fundamentals of painting, the elements of art…then
- When you are at the intermediate level, you can go study with others to learn their special techniques or process. You will be ready to absorb their knowledge and get real bang for your buck. And it’s really fun.
- Take the money you saved with my course and plan a week-long painting adventure in Greece or Mexico. Mmm. There are wonderful adventures happening all over the globe! So much to look forward to!
I truly believe my course is the best one out there for beginners because I created it while I still remembered what it felt like to be a beginner painter. I had so many questions that took a LONG time to answer.
I don’t mean to criticize these instructors but there is a thing called expert blindness… if you’ve been doing something a long time and are very skilled, you can forget how it felt at the beginning.
When I was starting out, I found most painting instructors just glossed over the questions that had me the most stumped! And/or I really didn’t understand what they were saying because I didn’t know the language! In hindsight these instructors would be great for intermediate or master classes.
In my course, I answer all the questions I had when starting out in simple and clear language. Questions like “can you mix brands of paint?” “When do I add medium to the piaint?” Or “what is gesso for? It’s all in this course.
My painting demos are shot in real time — no speeding up or cutting out parts. You will be able to see every brush stroke I make. And if you missed something, you can hit pause, rewind and watch over and over again until you get it!
It’s the easiest and most fun way to learn to paint! Come join us!
Is this a self-study course?
Yes. Once you enroll, you will have access to all the lessons and tutorials. You can learn at your own pace, without stress or pressure. If you buy the Ultimate Experience you will also get prompts and mini classes that come with the Find Your Style course, and support in the Atelier private FB group.
Do the lessons expire?
No. All students have lifetime access to the courses and lessons. As long as the Irene Duma Teaches Art website is active, students will have access.
Are the oil painting supplies expensive?
I’ve designed this course to be super economical. You should be able to buy a paint set and paint medium for under $100. (#DumaDoArtTip: Watch out for sales at art supply stores. They have them numerous times a year).
An extra bonus of painting small is not only will you save time, you will save money! A 5×7 inch canvas panel costs ~$1 and your paint supply will last a long time too! If you flub a painting, it won’t hurt … (as much! )
What forms of payment are accepted?
All major credit cards are accepted. Payment processing is made via Teachable.com’s safe and secure shopping cart environment.
What qualifications do you have?
I’m a professional artist with art gallery representation in Newfoundland, Canada. My art has been collected worldwide, exhibited at the Provincial Art Gallery, and purchased by the province’s new Mental Health Centre, where I am so pleased it will be hung where it makes others happy.
I have a Fine Art History Degree from University of Toronto, studied life drawing at Parsons School of Design in New York, and worked in a commercial art gallery — I know the biz from every angle. I’ve also taught science at the Ontario Science Centre, history with the Toronto Historical Board, and improv comedy at Theatresports Toronto. I know how to make complex ideas easy to understand. And I know how to keep my classes fun and playful.
So whether you want a fun hobby to relieve stress, or to become a professional painter selling your work in galleries, I have you covered.
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