Did you know that looking out onto the ocean is good for you?
It is, indeed! Scientists are finding that looking at water has calming and health benefits
It’s called Blue Mind theory:
“Blue Mind: A mildly meditative state characterized by calm, peace, unity, and a sense of general happiness and satisfaction with life in the moment.” ~ Wallace Nichols, PHD
So that’s why I love looking at water. I feel the calm, peace, unity and sense of happiness and satisfaction it brings me. And I like it.
You know what else I like? Painting. Because painting also bring outs a cocktail of happy feelings. So painting water must give you a double dose of happiness right? That’s the math.
Here’s a link to a bunch of papers by founding scientist Wallace Nichols, PHD that are showing that we all need some more Blue Mind time in our lives.
So enough blah blah. Go look at water. Then take some pictures and paint it. Mmm.

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